Motlanthe Commission starts work in Zimbabwe

Motlanthe Commission starts work in Zimbabwe

The Commission of Inquiry into the 1 August violence in Zimbabwe in which six people were killed began its work today with Commission chair former South African President Kgalema Motlanthe saying they will carry out their duties with the highest standards of integrity, impartiality, ethical and professional conduct.

Motlanthe who heads a seven member team said they will begin public hearing in mid-October and are currently inviting submissions which must be lodged with the commission not later than 12 October.

He called on all Zimbabweans to embrace and participate fully in the work of the commission.

The commission was sworn in on Wednesday but has already been under severe criticism from the opposition because of the inclusion of local members who are reported to have links to the ruing Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

Motlanthe however, said: “We will listen to all the views from all sectors of the people of Zimbabwe on what transpired on that fateful day.

“We will do our work diligently, professionally and in a transparent manner without fear or favour.

“Ultimately our goal is to assist the people of Zimbabwe find lasting peace, unity, healing and reconciliation.”

The opposition and civic organisations have accused the military of being heavy handed and indiscriminately shooting innocent protestors. Some reports have put the number of people killed as high as 11.

ZANU-PF and the government have, however, blamed the opposition for sparking the violence when it realised it was losing the elections.

The violence broke out two days after one of the most peaceful elections in Zimbabwe’s history when it was increasingly becoming clear that the opposition was losing the elections.

ZANU-PF ended up winning 145 of the 210 elected seats.

Mnangagwa won the presidential vote but opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has rejected the result, insisting that he won.

He planned to inaugurate himself as the “people’s president” last weekend but the ceremony meant to commemorate the party’s 19th anniversary was cancelled because of the outbreak of cholera in the capital.

Cholera has so far claimed 32 lives but is now reported to be under.

The MDC says it will hold its anniversary celebrations next weekend but it is not clear whether this will be cleared by the police because of the cholera epidemic.

Motlanthe said he had full confidence in members of his commission, adding: “Our message to the people of Zimbabwe is: use this commission as part of the necessary building blocks towards a new Zimbabwe- a country of your dreams, your hopes and aspirations”.


1 Comment

  1. Heartbroken Mhlanga

    First and foremost, it is with great sadness that innocent souls died for the benefit of fraudulent leaders.
    * None other than the commander and brigadiers in Zimbabwe assign duty to the military. Just as Mugabe was toppled , Chiwenga led them and was highly credited by millions of Zimbabweans. By the same talking he commanded the soldiers out of barracks to open fire against the protesters who actually had a right to express their views according to our constitution. Let the truth be spoken and justice prevail
    *Police and soldiers have never been for any opposition party in any country, and so is Zimbabwe. The deceased , were as a result of bullets and not anything else,though doctors were forced to write false reports pertaining to their death.
    *Therefore the appointment of the commission of enquiry should work for the best of the people of Zimbabwe and not for individual gains

    Thank you

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