More trouble for Chamisa

More trouble for Chamisa

More trouble seems to be brewing for Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa who last week lost his election challenge court case with costs.

The Sheriff of the High Court has been instructed to attach party property after it failed to pay its former director Toendepi Shonhe $264 444 after unfairly dismissing him in 2014.

The MDC unfairly dismissed Shonhe and 16 other employees but they won their case at the Labour Court.

The party owes the 17 employees $665 000 but the Sheriff was only instructed to attach property in respect of the amount it owes to Shonhe.

The party is currently appealing to sympathisers for money to pay its legal bill for the election challenge court case as well as for a petition it intends to lodge with the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights to nullify the Constitutional Court judgment which upheld Emmerson Mnangagwa’s election victory.



  1. Fanuel

    it never rains for the small boy but pours

  2. Tobias Joseph Mtintha

    Write a comment *Well done we are behind you

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