More than 200 000 Zimbabweans have now been vaccinated

More than 200 000 Zimbabweans have now been vaccinated

Zimbabwe has now vaccinated more than 200 000 people with 10 681 getting their first dose today raising the total to 205 275 while 406 got the second dose bringing the total of those that have been fully vaccinated to 29 304.

There were 19 new cases today and four deaths while 28 people recovered. Cases have now risen to 37 307, deaths to 1 542 and recoveries to 34 901.

There are still 864 active cases with 403 in Harare, 121 in Bulawayo and 253 in Matebeleland South.

Figures in Matebeleland South shot up after an outbreak at Sacred Heart High School but the Ministry of Health said the outbreak was localised at the school.

Zimbabwe has so far procured enough vaccines for over 800 000 people but has promised to import vaccines for 500 000 people every month.

It plans to vaccinate at least 10 million people to attain herd immunity.

The vaccination programme started on 18 February but there was a slow uptake at the beginning.



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