More flak for Chamisa

More flak for Chamisa

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa, who was told by his followers on Sunday that they were tired of his tweets and wanted more action, today received more flak after he posted a video on his twitter handle in which he was at a borehole in Highfields “assessing the living conditions of Zimbabweans”.

“At a Borehole …I’m in the townships.. In Highfields to listen to people’s life stories and assess their living conditions. Zimbabweans are suffering. We must Together end this!” the MDC leader tweeted.

There was a barrage of attacks on Chamisa in response.

“Amana kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndazoseka, kudhaya chibhorani uchiuchirirwa maoko will dat bring something to the nation. Please help me understand dis,” tweeted Cde Bhanan’ana.

‏Engineer Cecil Moyo Njanja said: “Ukundokuda kukonzerasa kuti vanhu vaite mhirizhonga. Tipe ma serious Funeral President sure ungasiya towel rakanyorova kumba kuuya kuzotamba nechibhorani here nhai.”

Childish Bhambino responded: “I would rather support Khuphe who is offering real solutions at a platform with people with executive power not this guy pulling stunts for popularity.”

Tashinga Tashinga added: “When i say the  guy @nelsonchamisa and the whole organization are clueless, people think I’m joking.”

Mazani Dziviro said: “Chibhorani tinochida kumusha kwaChivi kwete kuFiyo?? Who is running the city council ?? We want tap water. Takabva kumusha tichisiya izvozvo. Very soon muchavhura  blair toilet kuBudiriro.”

Pollin added: “As much as l like you president but these speeches of ‘We must end this’ should come with action, gore dhuuu muchingouya netuma statements tusina solution. Zvanekakubhowa mukati manje!”

Admire Fish asked: “Just checking.. saka mune solution here kana kuti kungotiradza henyu ma video tichipedza data rakudhura iri??”

Mulakazuva chipped in: “Very playful , kutonakirwa nekusuffer kwevanhu.”

Wilbur said: “Just admit, you have panicked after the new monetary measures. The three musketeers have launched a shocker that destabilised your local western puppeteers.  The usd that they splashed among you and your NGO renegades is no longer legal tender.  At least roam in the township.”

Richard Muzezuru chided: “Toja kuringani here Cde. Urikungombeya hako usina kana zvekuita. You have been assessing and then what. You want to behave like Students Representative Council (SRC) President.”

He went on: “And you want us to keep on following your nonsense. You can’t even advocate for better boreholes in constituencies where your members are leading. Kufarira chibhorani gore rino. KwaGutu vofarira borehole then Harare borehole kkkkk ndanyara.”

Bvambu Bvambu landed the final blow with this tweet: “Will you come to your final destination with your car and followers,” which was accompanied by a car in the picture above.



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