Monica Mutsvangwa says Grace Mugabe stripped Zimbabwean women of their dignity

Former Zimbabwe First Lady Grace Mugabe who was instrumental in the uprising against her husband which forced him to resign as President yesterday stripped Zimbabwean women of their dignity  because they were reduced to people that shout all the time.

“Takabviswa chimiro nomudzimai waPresident,” she said when she moved the motion to impeach Mugabe because he had allowed his wife to do all sorts of things including publicly denigrating senior government officials in public.

“Hon. Speaker Sir, if I may talk like a woman in politics, like the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Women Parliamentary Caucus, takabviswa chimiro nemudzimai waPresident. 

“As women of Zimbabwe who have fought side by side with their male colleagues, as women of Zimbabwe who have also achieved education through government policy through independence to promote the girl child, the women of this country do not deserve to have a woman who brings them down to just like people who shout all the time.

“Madzimai varimupolitics vanomirira vanhu.  The women in leadership are there for the interest of the people of this country.  When they demand to be also in decision making positions, they are not demanding for a favour, it is their right. 

“It is unfortunate that when one apple is rotten, there are some who would like to throw away the whole basket of apples.  Let us throw away the rotten apple” she said.




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