Mnangagwa’s opponents cash in on his statement that his party intends to impeach him after elections

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s staunch critics are cashing in on his statement yesterday that he has intelligence that some of his colleagues intend to impeach him after the elections set for 30 July.

Addressing prospective candidates for the coming elections, Mnangagwa said: “I get intelligence that some of those who have won those primary elections have two minds. They have joined the ZANU-PF wagon using various tricks, money included to be elected with a possible view that once elected in Parliament they will come together and move a motion of impeachment.

“There are two things I would want those among you to know would happen. First, you must realise that the Constitution provides the basis of impeachment and such basis must be fulfilled before impeachment proceedings begin.

“Secondly, our Constitution provides an instrument to chuck out from Parliament any member whom we think is not ZANU-PF anymore. Saka iwe nemoyo wako, nengirozi yako, nemudzimu wako ziva paumire.”

Jealousy Mawarire of the National Patriotic Front which is backed by Former First Lady Grace Mugabe said: “ED is being presumptuous. There won't be any impeachment because he is losing the election.  U have to be a dangerous optimist, an EDiot, or both, to even think that he is going to win the election.”

Jonathan Moyo, who also sympathises with the NPF said:  “TO IMPEACH OR TO DITCH HIM: THAT'S THE QUESTION.

“1. Mnangagwa fears Zanu PF plans to IMPEACH him after the election. He's blissfully unaware they"ll DITCH him on 30 July via BHORA MUSANGO.

“2. So, on 30 July don't vote for a President Zanu PF plans to IMPEACH. Just DITCH him!”

Mnangagwa’s statement implies that he is going to win the presidential elections and his party will win a majority of the seats in Parliament.

To impeach a president, both the House of Assembly and the Senate have to sit together and vote by a majority to impeach the president. After that they have to set up a nine-member committee and if that committee recommends the removal of the president both houses have to sit again and vote by a two-thirds majority to remove the president.



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