Mnangagwa’s full address at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair

Meanwhile, the construction of Gwayi-Shangani Dam has resumed in earnest following the requisite budgetary allocation, and is expected to generate power and also increase water supply and availability to the region.

The resuscitation of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) is on course following its partnership with the Diaspora Infrastructure Development Group (DIDG).

It is pleasing to note that this relationship is already yielding positive results and increased capacity utilisation and will drastically reduce the cost of the movement of bulk cargo both internally and to the ports.

Similarly, my Government is cognisant of the high costs of trading across borders as well as undue congestion at our ports of entry, which impacts on competitiveness in doing export business.

Processes are underway to modernise our border posts in terms of physical infrastructure and enhanced use of reliable ICT systems. These initiatives should ease congestion and facilitate efficient movement of goods and people.

Meanwhile, I direct border officials such as Zimra, the Department of Immigration and others to introspect and change their work ethic, attitude and culture and facilitate the speedy movement of people and clearance of cargo at our ports of entry.

Government is also aware of the foreign currency shortages and the liquidity challenges the country is grappling with. In this respect, I call upon industry, commerce and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to be reproductive, export-oriented and generate the much-needed foreign exchange.

I exhort business to be alive to the fast converging global trading environment and develop business strategies that recognises the impact of protocols in SADC, COMESA and the recent African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) signed at the African Union in March 2018.

Our resolve to attract foreign direct investment, re-engage bilateral and multilateral partnerships, attract Diaspora remittances and promote export-led productivity will ultimately result in a growing economy and translate into improved liquidity and foreign currency availability.

The growth of the economy will equally translate into multi-faceted benefits to the population and result in decent jobs to our citizenry.

I am also certain that the standard of living as well as conditions of service for the majority of our working population, inclusive of the civil service and security forces, will be enhanced as the economy grows and resources become more available.

In conclusion, may I encourage participants at this year’s ZITF, both domestic and foreign, to be resolute in tapping the numerous trade and investment opportunities that Zimbabwe is offering to the rest of the world in various sectors.

We need to continuously make use of the ZITF platform to engage and explore opportunities. I wish to congratulate and encourage outstanding exhibitors who will receive awards today (yesterday) to keep up the good work; for indeed effort and talent should be rewarded, as reward inspires further creativity and innovation. I wish you all successful business engagements and clinching of business deals at ZITF 2018.

With these remarks, it is now my singular owner and privilege to declare the 59th edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair officially open.

I thank you.



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