Mnangagwa suspends University of Zimbabwe vice-chancellor

Mnangagwa suspends University of Zimbabwe vice-chancellor

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has suspended University of Zimbabwe vice-chancellor Levi Nyagura pending the finalisation of his case in which he is charged with illegally awarding former First Lady Grace Mugabe a PhD.

Nyagura’s trial was supposed to kick off on Wednesday but it was postponed to 5 September because his defence team was not ready.

Grace Mugabe was awarded a PhD in 2014 at the same time she was engaged in a bitter fight with then Vice-President Joice Mujuru who also earned her PhD that year.

They were both capped by President Robert Mugabe at the same function at the University of Zimbabwe but no one has questioned Mujuru’s doctorate.

Nyagura was suspended with full benefits.



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