Mnangagwa should tell Gumbo to shut up

Mnangagwa should tell Gumbo to shut up

For two months now the Minister of Energy Joram Gumbo has been telling the nation that the country has enough fuel but motorists are going for hours if not days without the precious liquid.

Everyone knows that the country does not have enough foreign currency otherwise it would not be experiencing the problem in the first place.

So why does President Emmerson Mnangagwa not tell his minister to shut up. He does not need to tell people that there is enough fuel. If there is, one does not need to tell people, they will just know.

Repeated statements that the country has enough fuel when it does not, end up being lies and this impacts on the entire Mnangagwa administration.

One of the biggest problems in the country at the moment is a crisis of confidence in the government. People do not believe what the government says. So statements by Gumbo only make things worse.



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