Mnangagwa says let us be peaceful and treat each other with respect

Mnangagwa says let us be peaceful and treat each other with respect

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged Zimbabweans to remain peaceful and treat each other with respect as the country heads for elections in six days.

In a twitter message, sentiments which he repeated at a rally in Mhondoro, Mnangagwa said:  “No matter who we support, let us be peaceful and treat each other with respect.  We are one people, with one dream and one destiny. Together, we will unlock the potential of our beloved homeland!”

Mnangagwa’s remarks comes amid concerns at the increasing number of reports, particularly in some rural areas, of voter intimidation, threats of violence, harassment and coercion, including people being forced to attend political rallies.

“There has also been the worrying use of disparaging language against female political candidates. We call on the authorities – and political parties and their supporters – to ensure that the elections are not marred by such acts so that all Zimbabweans can participate free from fear in a credible election process,” the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said today.

“We welcome the widening of the democratic space in Zimbabwe ahead of the 30 July presidential elections, and call on the government, all political parties and other institutions to ensure that the elections are held in an environment which is peaceful and where human rights and the rule of law are fully respected,” the Commissioner said.

“It is encouraging to see open political rallies and peaceful demonstrations being held in Harare, as well as the many expressions of cautious optimism from civil society.

“The presence of some international human rights organisations, in addition to the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission and the Zimbabwe Gender Commission to monitor the human rights environment around the upcoming national elections is also a welcome sign.”

The Commissioner said it welcomed the commitment of political parties in signing the peace pledge on 26 June.

“We welcome their commitment to promote a climate of peace and tolerance, accept the results of elections, or challenge the results through the due process of law, refrain from inducing fear in citizens, campaign against all forms of violence and intimidation and resolve disputes through dialogue,” the Commissioner said.



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