Mnangagwa says it is now time to put elections behind us and focus on the economy

Mnangagwa says it is now time to put elections behind us and focus on the economy

President-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa today said it is now time to put the election period behind us and embrace the future.

“The task facing us today is a great one,” he said. “Let us unite as Zimbabweans, revive our economy and rebuild our great nation; the nation of our dreams, the land of immense possibilities.”

Mnangagwa won the 30 July elections but his victory is being challenged by Movement for Democratic Change Alliance which has called on the Constitutional Court to declare its leader Nelson Chamisa the winner or call for fresh elections.

He told those gathered at the national Heroes Acre that Zimbabweans should never be deterred by temporary setbacks or regrettable events which they encounter in their course to build an open, free, democratic and prosperous Zimbabwe.

“While this task is every bit as difficult as that which was faced by those heroes decades ago, it is however not insurmountable.

“To safeguard the gains of our independence, we have to be united in purpose, always patriotic and should always call for peace and tranquility, as we seek to modernize and industrialise our economy in line with our national vision: to become a middle income economy with increased investment, decent jobs, broad-based empowerment, free from poverty and corruption by 2030,” he said.

Mnangagwa said the people spoke loudly and clearly on 30 July.

“You showed the world that not only could we all campaign in a spirit of peace and tolerance, with parties free to campaign whenever wherever, and however they saw fit. We equally, together, demonstrated that we could also hold free and fair elections.

“In the spirit of transparency, these were held in the full glare of international observers and the global media,” he said.

Mnangagwa called on all political parties to remain peaceful and to always strive to do that which is in the public good, and that which is in the national interest.

“The time for politics is behind us, now is the time for progress, action and delivery,” he said.

“The journey will not be easy, hence I encourage all of us to be emboldened by the courage, selflessness and bravery of the numerous heroes we remember today…

“Individually and collectively, we must be determined to build our new Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe we want.”



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