Mnangagwa says he will ensure basic commodities are available and affordable

Mnangagwa says he will ensure basic commodities are available and affordable

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has assured the nation that basic commodities, which have disappeared from supermarket shelves or are now too expensive, will continue to be available, accessible and affordable.

Speaking after opening Prodairy in Ruwa yesterday the President said despite the challenges the country was facing, Zimbabwe is still open for business.

“Factories are being commissioned, investment is coming in, and jobs are being created,” he said.

“As we put the economy back on its feet, government will ensure that quality basic commodities are available, accessible and affordable. Plants such as these need the support of both investors and government, and we will make sure they get it.

“As Zimbabweans, the challenges we face, we face together. We belong to this country together. As we revive and rebuild our economy, we must all play our part; we must all work hard. Together we will succeed.”

Zimbabwe has been experiencing shortages of basic commodities since the beginning of last month when the central bank re-introduced foreign currency accounts and there was a run on the bond note and electronic money.

Things have not yet stabilised despite several promises that they would.

Mnangagwa met the business sector on Monday. Results of the meeting are still to show.



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