Mnangagwa or Chamisa cannot dictate terms of convening national dialogue

Mnangagwa or Chamisa cannot dictate terms of convening national dialogue

This is part of the reason why legitimacy issues must be resolved to give Zimbabweans a break and set the nation on a path of recovery.

Mnangagwa stands to benefit from genuine dialogue. Sadly, he has chosen to be the sole impediment to its convening.

He has no right or authority to declare how dialogue should happen, pretending to be conducting a dialogue to save face.

The MDC has put across the following five-point plan. We challenge actors to bring to the table a better alternative to the following areas of focus.

Firstly discussion and adoption of a roadmap to legitimacy following events of November 2017 and a subsequent shameless election in July 2018

Secondly, the resolution of the economic and humanitarian crisis arresting Zimbabwe, part of which largely resulted in mass protests and stay aways called by several citizen movements in Zimbabwe led by the ZCTU.

Thirdly a comprehensive reform agenda and platform with a view to constructing both a sustainable state with a culture which serves the interests of the masses as opposed to serving a few presiding elites and those connected to them.

Reform would also focus on ensuring the instruments of repression are liquidated and the idea of rule by fear jettisoned.

More importantly, rethinking the fiscal approach to improve efficacy, increasing transparency and accountability.

The fourth area of focus is nation building, healing and attending to the social contract.

Allowing the people of Zimbabwe the opportunity to negotiate with those in power and with power itself, fostering unity while eroding hate speech, intolerance and tribalism.

More importantly, couching a common and shared National Vision giving an unambiguous identity to Zimbabweans.

There is however the need to look into the past violence with dark ages of Gukurahundi, Murambatsvina and several episodes of violent elections dating back to the year 2000.

Providing remedy and redress to the aggrieved while ensuring Justice to the victim and the perpetrator alike, this in our view is an inevitable step to Nation building and it’s sustainability.

Finally, the plan would look at ways to re-engage the international community.

Taking the pain of committing to live by the rules, respect the rule of law, practice Constitutionalism and abiding by international standards, at least those contained in the several conventions which Zimbabwe is a signatory.

Zimbabweans are tired of political banter and politics of patronage, they deserve their dignity, freedom and justice.

MDC: Defining a New Course for Zimbabwe!
Jacob Mafume
MDC National Spokesperson



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