Below is what transpired in Parliament yesterday vis a vis the First Lady’s remarks:
*HON. CHAMISA: On a point of privilege. Madam Speaker, it is permissible in the Standing Orders. Standing Order Number 68 (d) permits us to take it up with the Minister who is here. We are privileged to have Hon. Mphoko. We have noticed that it is important for us to have a response from his Office. We also realised that the First Lady of the nation has said that within Government – I believe the Vice President, Hon. Mnangagwa has just walked in, so we have both Vice Presidents in this House in order to respond to the question.
THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Chamisa, in my understanding, we were talking of the issue of the violence that erupted between the police and the army. Once it has been raised, Madam Speaker, it becomes more pertinent than all the other questions that have been raised.
Madam Speaker, you need to refer to the Standing Orders.
THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will give you the chance to do that once we are done with these questions.
*HON. ADV. CHAMISA: But Madam Speaker, the law does not permit that. My point of privilege is directed to the Vice Presidents, either Hon. Mphoko or Hon. Mnangagwa. The privilege is that we witnessed the First Lady saying a lot that if it was possible, the President should appoint someone to lead the nation. So we want to find out from the way the Government is set up, is there stability in the Government or there is instability, because that reflects that there is instability in terms of governance, because of the speeches that are given by the leaders of the nation. Can they give us assurance that there is stability within the Government?
THE VICE PRESENT AND MINISTER OF NATIONAL HEALING, PEACE AND RECONCILIATION (HON. MPHOKO): Thank you Hon. Speaker, I am not privileged because the bulk of his questions were in Shona. I want to handover to my colleague, thank you. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE VICE PRESIDENT AND MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. E. D. MNANGAGWA): Madam Speaker, I was not listening, I was reading. I am not sure I heard the question. So may the Hon. Member repeat the question?
HON. ADV. CHAMISA: Thank you Vice President, let me repeat. While you are standing?
– [Laughter.] –
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