Mnangagwa makes first positive cost cutting move

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has made his first move to demonstrate that he is serious about cost cutting by slashing the budget for the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front special congress due next month.

Party spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo did not disclose the new budget but said it was being slashed from the estimated $8 million and the number of days of the party’s annual jamboree, as it had become, have been halved from six to three.

Moyo has also urged party supporters to stop purging of party members.

The Lacoste faction which is said to be loyal to Mnangagwa was purged by the G40 faction ahead of the special congress which was aimed at propping up former first lady Grace Mugabe to vice-president.

Mnangagwa took over on Friday after Robert Mugabe resigned on Tuesday, after 37 years at the helm, under threats of impeachment.

All eyes are now focussed on Mnangagwa’s cabinet as its size and composition will demonstrate his commitment to cost cutting.



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