Mnangagwa is not the only problem, it is the system

Mnangagwa is not the only problem, it is the system

A United Kingdom-based government critic says Zimbabweans must not accept the narrative being sold by some in the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is now the only problem that is preventing the country’s economic recovery.

Writing on twitter, Alex Magaisa, who was one of the special advisors of former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, says this was the same narrative that was used to force former President Robert Mugabe out.

“The mess won’t be sorted just because one man is substituted,” Magaisa says. “Some got into government with great credentials but they have completely & utterly lost it. It’s the system – which includes practices and mentalities of greed, authoritarianism & self-entitlement.

“The 2017 Coup narrative isolated Robert Mugabe via the facade of targeting criminals around him. The narrative presented ED & the military cabal as saviours. Desperate for change, millions were persuaded. That project has failed dismally & similar narrative is being spun again

“In terms of this narrative, only ED is the failure. Sure, as leader, the buck stops with him. But like Mugabe before him, ED is the head of a system. When Mugabe was isolated & ousted, that system remained. No wonder things only got worse. This time people should be wary…

“Therefore, treat with great caution the narratives being generated from within the ruling party. ED’s sympathisers present him as a victim of ambitious subordinates. His opponents within present him as the only problem & they can do better. Both are self-serving narratives.”

There have been increasing reports that some of Mnangagwa’s lieutenants especially those from the military are trying to force him to step down. One report said he had agreed to do so next year.

Another said Mnangagwa was now under house arrest. But he went to attend South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s inauguration at the weekend and hosted Tanzanian President John Magufuli last year.

Mugabe was allowed to officiate at the graduation ceremony at the University of Zimbabwe while under house arrest.

Zimbabwe has been experiencing serious economic problems since the government announced new monetary and fiscal policies aimed at reviving the economy in October last year.

Although Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube said the austerity measures will be tough during the first 12 months, he has faced stiff resistance against the programme from the start with prices rocketing within the first two weeks of October and the black market spiraling to levels not reached since.

Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has capitalised on the economic malaise but one of his top lieutenants has just told the nation to lower their expectations saying even Chamisa cannot turn around the country’s fortunes in a year.



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