Mnangagwa grants three-month amnesty to return money and assets externalised

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today announced that he will be granting those who externalised money or other assets a three-month amnesty to bring these back with no questions asked.

The amnesty will run from 1 December to 28 February next year.

Once the three-month window is over, he said, the government will arrest all those who have not complied and will ensure that they are prosecuted.

Below is his statement in full:


Activities linked to Operation Restore Legacy have, among other issues, helped to uncover cases where huge sums of money and other assets were illegally externalised by certain individuals and corporates. Needless to say, such malpractices constitute a very serious economic crime against the People of Zimbabwe which the Government of Zimbabwe will never condone.

As a first step towards the recovery of the illegally externalised funds and assets, the Government of Zimbabwe is gazetting a three-month moratorium within which those involved in the malpractice can bring back the funds and assets, with no questions being asked or charges preferred against them. The period of this amnesty stretches from 1 December 2017, to the end of February 2018. Affected persons who wish to comply with this directive should liaise with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe for necessary facilitation and accounting.

Upon the expiry of the three-month window, Government will proceed to effect arrest of all those who would not have complied with this directive, and will ensure that they are prosecuted in terms of the country, laws. Those affected are thus encouraged to take advantage of the three-month moratorium to return the illegally externalised funds and assets in order to avoid the pain and ignominy of being visited by the long arm of the law.

Emmerson Mnangagwa
President of Zimbabwe
28 November 2017





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