Mnangagwa declares State of Disaster as Cyclone Idai hits entire country

Mnangagwa declares State of Disaster as Cyclone Idai hits entire country

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has declared a State of Disaster as tropical Cyclone Idai hit Zimbabwe and is expected to spread across the country.

So far 31 people have been killed and more than 100 are said to be unaccounted for.

Mnangagwa left for the United Arab Emirates today attracting the wrath of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change which said this was irresponsible.

“For someone to enjoy luxury trips on tax payer’s funds shows no respect or care for the citizen,” the MDC said. “What kind of person deserts those he purports to lead? What kind of person leaves behind dying children, sinking homes , washed away bridges and goes on a dish sampling mission in the Middle East.”

Acting President Constantino Chiwenga said national and sub-national civil protection structures have been instructed to support the affected communities by giving search, rescue and evacuation to marooned or cut-off communities.

Chiwenga said Manicaland had suffered the worst brunt of the Cyclone with Chimanimani being the most devastated followed by Chipinge.

The cyclone’s pathway includes Mashonaland East, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland West, parts of Masvingo and the Midlands. It is also expected to affect Harare Metropolitan and Matebeleland provinces.

Several houses and schools were destroyed with bridges in Chimanimani and Chipinge being swept away.

Chiwenga, however, assured the nation that the government was working flat out to manage the unfolding disaster.



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