Mnangagwa already representing the new Zimbabwe!

Mnangagwa already representing the new Zimbabwe!

President-Elect Emmerson Mnangagwa who is Namibia attending the Southern African Development Community summit says he is there representing the new Zimbabwe.

“An honour to be in Namibia representing the new Zimbabwe at the 38th SADC Summit,” he said on his twitter handle. “We will discuss and debate, and we will listen!”

Mnangagwa was declared the winner of the 30 July presidential poll but opposition leader Nelson Chamisa of the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance rejected the results and filed an application to the Constitutional Court asking it to declare him the winner or call for fresh elections.

Mnangagwa’s legal team has, however, asked the court to dismiss Chamisa’s application arguing that it is flawed.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has also asked the court to throw out the application for the same reasons.

The ZEC says Chamisa has failed to provide the ZEC with compact discs and “bundles of evidence” he claims to have.

ZEC boss Priscilla Chigumba in her response says if there are any mathematical errors in the results announced by ZEC they are not enough to overturn the outcome of the presidential results.

“The collation of the results of some polling stations twice was a data capture error whose extent has no material effect on the results of the presidential election. After correction of the double entries the first respondent (Mnangagwa) still meets the statutory thresholds of 50% plus 1,” she said.

She also said Chamisa’s representatives, Morgen Komichi and Jameson Timba, were present during the verification.

“The process of collation and verification of the presidential results was done transparently, and the applicant’s agents Mr Morgen Komichi and Jameson Timba had full access to the results collation at the electoral commission’s national command centre……

“As already averred Mr Timba during this process, had occasion to request V11 and V23 forms for several constituencies, he examined those forms and made whatever notes he wished to make, he did not raise any queries with respect to those V11 or V23s … the provisions of section 110 of the Electoral Act are such that the absence of any candidate or his/her election agent does not stop the process prescribed in that section from proceeding to its conclusion.”

Chamisa’s legal team has been given until tomorrow noon to file their answering affidavit while Mnangagwa’s team was given until 10 am on Monday.



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