MDC-T trio convicted of murdering a police officer


Three members of the Tsvangirai faction Movement for Democratic Change, Tungamirai Madzokere, Last Maengahama and Yvonne Musarurwa, were today convicted of murdering a police officer Petros Mutedza in Glenview five years ago.

A fourth member Phineas Nhatarikwa was found guilty of being an accessory to evade justice for ferrying the accused from the crime scene.

Three other members, Lazarus Maengahama, Edwin Muingiri and Paul Rukanda were acquitted.

The four convicted will be sentenced on Thursday.

The 7 were part of 29 Glenview residents who were initially arrested and charged. Twenty-two were discharged at the close of the state case in 2013.

One of the activists Rebecca Mafikeni died at Chikurubi Prison.

The MDC-T today said the conviction of the three was unfortunate.

“The party is convinced that justice will take its course and that these three cadres will be cleared of any criminal offence when the matter is taken up on appeal,” party spokesman Obert Gutu, who is a lawyer, said.

Party statement:

Tuesday, 06 September 2016

Conviction of Yvonne Musarurwa, Tungamirai Madzokere and Last Maengahama unfortunate

The MDC would like to express its deep sadness at the conviction, on a murder charge, of party cadres Yvonne Musarurwa and Tungamirai Madzokere as well as senior former party member, Last Maengahama.

The three were convicted of the murder of a police officer by Justice Chinembiri Bhunu in Harare on Tuesday, September 6, 2016.They are due to be sentenced on Thursday, September 8,2016.

The party is convinced that justice will take its course and that these three cadres will be cleared of any criminal offence when the matter is taken up on appeal.


MDC: Equal Opportunities For All
Obert Chaurura Gutu
National Spokesperson



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