MDC-T says Zimbabwe with Mugabe at the helm is like a jumbo jet on auto pilot quickly running out of fuel


The Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai has brushed off President Robert Mugabe’s State of the Nation Address which he presented yesterday and said Mugabe should have presented a State of Resignation Address, instead.

“Once Mugabe gets out of the scene, the people are able, willing and ready to pick up the pieces and rebuild our mighty motherland,” the party said in a statement.

It called on Mugabe to resign immediately because his advanced age and apparently frail health made him the single biggest security threat to the country.

“The old man should do the nation a huge favour by announcing his immediate retirement from office,” party spokesman Obert Gutu said.

“With Mugabe continuing at the helm, Zimbabwe is now like a jumbo jet that is on high altitude but on auto pilot and quickly running out of fuel. The only inevitable result is a horrendous crash with fatal consequences.”

Full statement:

Wednesday, 07 December 2016

Mugabe's SONA a damb squib

As expected, the State of the Nation Address (SONA) that was presented by President Robert Mugabe in Parliament on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 was much ado about nothing. The SONA was uninspiring, puerile and dumb. What a big yawn!

Instead of addressing critical issues such as the grinding poverty that is afflicting at least 75% of the Zimbabwean population in both rural and urban areas, rampant unemployment particularly amongst the youth and the financial disaster that has been caused by the unwise and cruel decision to introduce bond notes into the financial market, Mugabe’s SONA was bereft of details on concrete and sustainable measures and policies to resuscitate the comatose economy. It’s apparent that Mugabe is living in dreamland because, according to his SONA, he had the audacity to talk about an economy that is in resurgence mode whilst the stark reality on the ground points to an economy that is now dead; with at least 96 % of the people being engaged in the informal sector.

Continued next page


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