MDC supporters desert candidate as ZANU-PF retains Mutoko North seat

MDC supporters desert candidate as ZANU-PF retains Mutoko North seat

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front yesterday retained the Mutoko North seat when its candidate Rambidzai Nyabote polled 11 141 beating Movement for Democratic Change candidate Boniface Mushore and Edson Mugoma of the National Constitutional Assembly.

Mushore who contested the same seat on 30 July lost more than more of his supporters polling 1 329 votes against 3 151 he won in July.

Mugoma polled 94 votes. He did not contest in July.

Voter turn-out is usually lower in by-elections.

The seat was left vacant by Mabel Chinomona who was elected president of the Senate.

She won 16 902 votes in July.



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