MDC solution to Zimbabwe crisis appears to be veiled call for GNU

MDC solution to Zimbabwe crisis appears to be veiled call for GNU

The Movement for Democratic Change has proposed a solution to Zimbabwe’s present economic crisis which seems to be a veiled call for a government of national unity or for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his government to resign as it says the solution is not possible under a Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front government.

In a statement, the party said ZANU-PF had now lost it and proposed that the government must design an Emergency Recovery Economic Plan supported by an Emergency Recovery Fund.

It, however, said creating such a fund will not be possible under a ZANU-PF government raising questions about why it proposed the solution in the first place.

The MDC said Mnangagwa and his administration did not want to take responsibility for its corruption and failure which had resulted in the present economic meltdown and suffering of the people.

“They play the blame game, blaming everyone except the trees and the stones. They blame the opposition for sabotage; blame shops for profiteering and blame the citizen for panic buying, surprisingly shortages include drugs in pharmacies,” the party said.

Below is its full statement:

Price controls, tinkering with the deck while the titanic is sinking

Zanu PF mediocrity, lack of care for the people of Zimbabwe and their nauseating pursuit of patronage and self-preservation are the reasons of economic collapse in Zimbabwe.

An attempt to control prices is therefore tinkering with the deck while the titanic is sinking.

Several statements in successive press conferences by government officials including Kembo Mohadi are to the effect that Zanu PF has gone back to its default of price controls among other reactive and barbaric measures typical of a bunch with no proper understanding of elementary economics.

The people of Zimbabwe deserve better than a group of self-imposed leaders who are quick to make reckless announcements only good enough for the symptoms.

We in the MDC are aware that Zanu PF led by Mnangagwa does not want to take responsibility for its corruption and failure which has now resulted in economic meltdown and the suffering of the masses.

They play the blame game, blaming everyone except the trees and the stones. They blame the opposition for sabotage; blame shops for profiteering and blame the citizen for panic buying, surprisingly shortages include drugs in pharmacies.

Now productive time is being lost in fuel queues, food stalls and the search of now scarce basics like cooking oil. Electricity blackouts are also increasing by the day yet the business as usual approach seems not to go away.

Zanu PF has lost it.

Continued next page



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