MDC says congress preparations are on course but……

MDC says congress preparations are on course but……

The Movement for Democratic Change today said preparations for its congress in May are on course and dismissed press reports of chaos saying they were misleading.

Organising secretary Amos Chibaya said in a statement that proceedings were moving smoothly and peacefully throughout the country.

The Daily News, which is normally sympathetic to the main opposition party, however, said there was intense jostling for positions within the party with chaos marring the ongoing restructuring exercise.

It said that a fresh war had broken out in the party over its ongoing restructuring exercise, which is said to have further divided senior party officials.

The paper said Chibaya would not be drawn into commenting on the alleged chaos raging within the party’s grassroots structures.

In a statement today, however, Chibaya said branch congresses have now been completed and the ward congresses in the 1 958 wards across the country would be taking place this weekend.

“By Sunday, 24 March 2019, there will be newly elected ward executives across the length and breadth of Zimbabwe,” he said.

“District congresses are slated for 29-31 March while the provincial congresses will take place from 7-16 April 2019, starting with Matabeleland South province.

“The process so far has gone on peacefully and without incident. Notwithstanding misleading press reports of chaos, our congress is living true to the democratic culture and character as encapsulated in chapter 4 of the MDC constitution.

“Our Congress to be held on 24-26 May will be a festival of ideas. It will prioritize propositions and not positions. So far, the people across the country continue to elect leaders of their choice at various levels and our Congress process is well on course,” Chibaya said.

Despite Chibaya’s assurances, it still remains unclear which party is holding its congress, the MDC formerly led by Morgan Tsvangirai or the MDC Alliance which was a coalition of seven political parties.



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