MDC group says Chamisa is illegitimate, supporter seeks to stop salaries for MDC MPs

MDC group says Chamisa is illegitimate, supporter seeks to stop salaries for MDC MPs

A group calling itself Defending MDC Tsvangirai Legacy (DMTL) has called for an urgent party congress to elect a new leader claiming that Nelson Chamisa who has led the party from February is illegitimate.

In a related event Justice Dzingirayi, who claims to be a member of the Movement for Democratic Change, has gone to court seeking an order to stop payment of salaries and allowances to MDC legislators because President Emmerson Mnangagwa is illegitimate so whatever money the legislators are getting is a bribe.

According to NewZimbabwe.Com, DMTL says Chamisa is a dictator.

Its spokesman Weber Chinyadza said: “We are not blind to the fact that the MDC has been besieged by an unelected leadership which is consciously and persistently using very undemocratic practices to lead the organisation.

“It is in the public domain that this self-imposed leadership has blocked the people’s right to elect their own leaders and has unashamedly left one person to appoint and co-opt his own cronies into the party leadership, a custom well-orchestrated in ZANU PF.”

The group has been dismissed as members of the MDC-T now led by Thokozani Khupe.

“The fundamental right of members of this party to choose their own leaders and to stand to be elected for any party position should be respected without negotiation,” Chinyadza said.

“Further, the current process to bastardise elective structures for the congress in order to ensure the election of a preferred candidate should be abolished.

“In any event, the constitution of the party is very clear on the timetable for any congress especially after the passing on of an incumbent president.

“No one should be allowed to, willy-nilly, change those provisions for the purposes of self-aggrandisement.”

In the other case, Dzingirayi said the current government is illegitimate so MDC legislators should not receive money from it.

“Until such a time as constitutionalism is resorted, my representatives’ just dues should remain in the hands of the government,” Dzingirayi argues according to the Chronicle.

“In all circumstances, this money is being paid as a way to bribe my representatives into selling out on my legitimate choice, and eventually buy them to say that the government is legitimate.

“It is not. These bribes must stop. They work to undermine my right to political choice, in that they are paid to subvert the result of my vote in that people that I voted for will be swayed to support Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s illegitimate regime.”

Dzingirayi, who is from Kuwadzana East Constituency, says he voted for Charlton Hwende who won the National Assembly seat.

He also says Chamisa won the elections but they were rigged in favour of Mnangagwa.



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