MDC deputy national organiser arrested

MDC deputy national organiser arrested

The deputy national organiser of the Movement for Democratic Change Sibusisiwe Masara was today arrested in connection with the 16 August demonstrations and will appear in court tomorrow.

Her boss Amos Chibaya was arrested for failing to stop the demonstrations last week but is now out on $400 bail after spending the weekend in custody.

The demonstrations which were expected to kick off in Harare and then spread to Bulawayo, Gweru. Masvingo and Mutare failed to kick off after police banned them.

The MDC had planned to shift the demonstrations to rural areas but the plan seems to have flopped.

Police and war veterans have threatened to deal ruthless with any demonstrators.

Zimbabwe has been under fire from the European Union and the United States over the way it handled the demonstrations.

Home Affairs Minister Cain Mathema, however, he would not allow chaos in the country and this was impeding the country’s progress.

“It is clear that the MDC Alliance is now playing to the gallery and does not want law and order to prevail in the country,” he said.

“While constitutionalism exists in Zimbabwe in terms of observance of human rights, it is disturbing that these rights which are clearly espoused in the constitution are now being misused to foment disorder and cause anarchy in the country.

“The government of Zimbabwe is quite aware that the timing of these demonstrations is meant to draw the attention of the international community especially when the President has intensified the country’s re-engagement process at various regional and international fora…

“We urge members of the public not to take heed of retrogressive calls to join or participate in the demonstrations. Government in its entirety is working day in day out to improve the socio-economic situation in the country. Let us all support these efforts for the good of the country and promote peace in all corners of Zimbabwe….

“The nation cannot afford to be having demonstrations on a daily basis or weekly basis, the economy suffers as attention is taken away from key activities which as a country we should be focused upon. We cannot continue to be in the election mode indefinitely as this creates a security threat to the country.”




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