MDC congress to start next Friday

The long-awaited congress of the Morgan Tsvangirai faction of the Movement for Democratic Change will start on Friday next and will run until Sunday, the party said in a statement today. Organising Secretary Nelson Chamisa said the party expects 7 000 delegates to the congress which will be held in Harare. The MDC-T was forced to call forward its congress from 2016 after some of its leaders demanded a leadership change. Tsvangirai refused to budge forcing those who wanted him out to leave forming what is now called the Renewal Team. Though there have been reports of squabbles in the run-up to the congress as people vie for the powerful post of secretary-general, these have been overshadowed by squabbles in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front sparked by First Lady Grace Mugabe who has been lambasting government ministers and has called on Vice-President Joice Mujuru to resign alleging that she was thoroughly corrupt and wanted to oust President Robert Mugabe at the party congress in December. ZANU-PF was forced to postpone its politburo meeting twice this week and is expected to meet today.



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