MDC condemns violence but blames it on ZANU-PF and so do ZAPU and Jonathan Moyo

MDC condemns violence but blames it on ZANU-PF and so do ZAPU and Jonathan Moyo

The Movement for Democratic Change Alliance today condemned the weekend blast at White City Stadium which has so far claimed the lives of two people but said this was reminiscent of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front culture of governance.

In a statement, the party said violence had no place in Zimbabwe politics.

“The MDC unreservedly condemns the dastardly act of violence that occurred at the ZANU-PF rally at White City Stadium in Bulawayo over the weekend,” the party said.

“Such primitive and heinous actions have no place in the New Zimbabwe, which we envisage. The MDC respects the sanctity of life irrespective of one’s political affiliation, creed or colour.

“The terrible events at White City stadium should be thoroughly investigated and perpetrators brought to book.  Our prayers go out to the injured and we hope no lives have been lost. Violence must have no place in our politics.”

The party said “regrettably, this occurrence is reminiscent of ZANU-PF’s past 38 years culture of governance in Zimbabwe, which has been characterized by state-party conflation, fear, capture and coercion. We in the MDC have been victims to this barbarism for many years, with impunity”.

Some quarters including the Zimbabwe African People’s Union and Jonathan Moyo have also blamed the weekend blast on ZANU-PF.

ZAPU has described the blast which rocked White City Stadium in Bulawayo on Saturday during a ZANU-PF rally as an act of terrorism meant to tarnish Matebeleland province.

ZAPU spokesman Ipithule Maphosa said the party strongly believed that the Saturday blast was a ploy by ZANU-PF to portray the people of Matebeleland as violent and rebellious to the new order.

“ZAPU is concerned and worried with the acts of terrorism that are perpetuated by ZANU-PF at its public gatherings. Among ZANU-PF are terrorist elements targeting to tarnish Matebeleland.

“On 11 August last year, the then Vice President Mnangagwa was airlifted from Pelandaba stadium in Gwanda after allegedly consuming ice-cream laced with poison at a public gathering…..

“On the 23rd of June 2018, an explosion rocked White City Stadium where ZANU-PF was holding yet another public meeting. Again, this is an act of terrorism where explosives are used in a civilian set up.

“All these ZANU-PF terrorist activities happen in Matebeleland. Why? ” he asked.

Jonathan Moyo said the blast was meant to turn Matebeleland into a crime scene to justify the atrocities committed in the 1980s.

“The INSTIGATORS & ENFORCERS of GUKURAHUNDI turned MATABELELAND into a CRIME SCENE to justify committing atrocities in the 1980s.


“* 12/8/17 Gwanda a crime scene;

“*. 4/11/17 Byo a crime scene; and

“*. 23 /6/18 Byo a crime scene, again!




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