MDC case now academic

The circus around this year’s elections continued today with the case in which Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change sought to have special voting stopped being adjourned to Wednesday.

Special voting, which was open to members of the police and civil servants who will be on duty during the general elections on 31 July, was carried over two days- yesterday and today.

It is not clear what the purpose of the hearing will be since the elections are already over.

The MDC has been battling to have elections delayed since the Constitutional Court ruled that they must be held before 31 July and President Robert Mugabe set 31 July as the election date.

The Southern African Development Community asked the government to go back to court to ask it to postpone the elections by at least two weeks but the court stood by its earlier decision.

Mugabe is accused of dragging the elections when the climate is not right.

The European Union has, however, literally declared that it will consider the elections free and fair if African observers say so.

The African Union’s key observer mission has been in the country since 15 June. The main group is arriving on Sunday.



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