Matemadanda says Chamisa should get basic economics right before he can debate Mnangagwa

War veterans’ leader Victor Matemadanda says Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa should get basic economics right before the can think of debating Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Chamisa has challenged Mnangagwa to a television debate ahead of the 2018 elections but Mnangagwa personally not commented on the challenge.

According to Newsday, Matemadanda said Chamisa should play such “kindergarten games” with his counterparts in the ZANU-PF youth league.

“If Chamisa wants a debate, maybe he can engage the ZANU-PF youth league that is his level. We can’t imagine the President taking time off serious bread and butter issues to respond to a goat that is scratching the walls from outside,” he said.

“How can someone who does not know the basic cost of setting up a rail track for a bullet train debate with the President?” he asked.



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