Marry bad news for Chiwenga and Mnangagwa

Marry bad news for Chiwenga and Mnangagwa

The divorce case of Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga and his common law wife Marry could be a blessing in disguise for Zimbabweans as it is likely to open a can of worms and expose both Chiwenga and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Marry, who is facing criminal charges including fraud, externalisation and attempted murder, has refused to have the divorce case settled out of court after exposing how wealthy the Vice-President is at the same time raising questions as to how Zimbabwe’s number two acquired that wealth.

By insisting that the case be heard in open court, Marry is implying that she intends to spill more beans and thus expose the rot by the VP and by the Mnangagwa administration.

The case has already exposed that Mnangagwa’s fight against corruption is a sham as his deputy has been showered with gifts which hinge of bribery through “protection fees” which is outright corruption.

It has raised questions about how rich our politicians are but more importantly it has increased the appetite for people to know how they acquired that wealth.

Now the nation is being told that Marry has three valid passports.

Is this legal?

Who else has more than one passport?

What do they need more than one passport for if this is not to hide some of their shenanigans?



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