Maridadi says Obert Mpofu and Supa Mandiwanzira must resign and clear their names first

Mabvuku/Tafara legislator James Maridadi says Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu and Information Communication Technology Minister Supa Mandiwanzira must resign from cabinet and clear their names first.

He said if President Emmerson Mnangagwa was serious about eradicating corruption, he cannot have Mpofu in his cabinet when whenever someone talks about corruption Mpofu’s names comes up.

“There are people in this country who when you mention about their names or when you talk about corruption, you cannot construct a sentence which talks about corruption and not mention their names,” Maridadi told Parliament.

“Their names have become so synonymous with the word corruption. They are so embedded and that is the kind of company our President cannot afford to keep anymore…..

“I am addressing this in particular, to His Excellency, the President and I am saying this, Your Excellency, in your Cabinet, when you have a man like Hon. Obert Mpofu, the Minister of Home Affairs, you have a problem.

“There is a problem of 15 billion dollars that this country must deal with. We were told by the former President and I do not think he was wrong. The former President said, 15 billion dollars either in money or in diamonds disappeared. The person who was in charge of mines then was Hon. Obert Mpofu.”

On Mandiwanzira , Maridadi said: “Madam Speaker, a former Chief Executive of a State institution has written a letter to His Excellency, the President and has outlined a latent of allegations of corruption.

“Hon. Super Mandiwanzira has not gone through due process and yet we hear ZACC saying he has no case to answer. ZACC is not a court of law, ZACC are not the police.

“Hon. Super Mandiwanzira should be able to say to His Excellency; Your Excellency, I see what is being said about me, let me go on sabbatical leave, let me excuse myself and subject myself to due processes and be cleared and then you can re-appoint me and I will work with you.”

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