Manicaland down to 14 active cases as 22 recover

Manicaland down to 14 active cases as 22 recover

Manicaland dropped out of the top four provinces with the highest active coronavirus cases after 22 people recovered today leaving only 14 active cases.

There were four new cases and one death today. The number of cases to date rose to 36 822 and deaths to 1 520.

Twenty-eight people recovered raising the total to 34 603, leaving the number of active cases at 699.

Harare is now down to 436 cases. Bulawayo is up to 123. Matebeleland North is at 48 while Mashonaland East is now in fourth place with 19 cases.

The number of people that has received the first coronavirus vaccine is now 68 571 and those who have got the second jab is 10 628.



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