Mangoma expelled but no one knows how Biti would have voted

Movement for Democratic Change deputy treasurer Elton Mangoma was expelled from the party yesterday but no one knows how party secretary-general Tendai Biti would have voted because he was not in the meeting when voting took place.

Mangoma took the party and senior leaders-party president Morgan Tsvangirai, national chairman Lovemore Moyo and secretary-general Tendai Biti- to court on Tuesday over his suspension which should now be a nullity since he has been expelled.

Also expelled with Mangoma were his lawyer Jacob Mafume, youth assembly secretary-general Promise Mkwananzi and national executive member Last Maengahama.

Mafume and Mkwananzi told a press conference last week that the statement by party leader Morgan Tsvangirai that the leadership had resolved its differences was not true because Mangoma was not involved.

Party spokesman Douglas Mwonzora said 131 members of the national executive voted for the expulsion. One, former Mutare mayor Brian James voted against, and two, Harare province chairman Paul Madzore and Chitungwiza provincial youth chairperson Malvin Mashoko, abstained.

Party secretary-general, Biti, who is also reported to be closely aligned to Mangoma, reportedly excused himself to attend a court case before the voting.



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