Letter from the publisher- 20 years ago

Stories that were published by The Insider years ago are quite popular according to statistics from our own website stats page and from Google analytics. They show that 40percent of our visitors are from the UK, followed by South Africa with the United States and Zimbabwe changing positions for third place quite often. This has completely baffled us, but when we look back we understand why. Though The Insider has been on the market for 20 years, it was only available to the public for 13 months. After that it went confidential which meant that only those who could afford its high price could subscribe and these were mostly company chief executives, diplomatic missions, university libraries and of course government departments especially those that need to keep track of what the media is doing. We are publishing our first editorial which explains why we started the paper, as it was then. We have 340 other stories from our archives that were not featured on the front page.



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