Leaked O-Level exam papers were stolen from Matebeleland South but sold from Zvishavane

Leaked O-Level exam papers were stolen from Matebeleland South but sold from Zvishavane

On the introduction of the new curriculum, unfortunately it happened before I came in.  I think they did a thorough research in the education sector that resulted in the production of the new curriculum – [AN HON. MEMBER: Now the network and electricity is back, it is now working Madam Speaker.] – Kwakaitwa serious research into the education sector yeZimbabwe.   There was a recommendation that we reviewed and we came up with the new curriculum.  Yes, you might say we do not have enough resources or equipment to implement but that curriculum is a good system.  It is there in South Africa and all over the world.  Countries are using that curriculum. I think also it is the understanding at school level and at parent level.  Complaints do not come from children; the complaints are coming from the parents.  The children are enjoying the research that they are doing.

For instance, if you go to a rural set up, a child is asked to be innovative and come up with their projects.  Some use grass which is around them, some use wood and come up with a product which product is going to be assessed by the teacher. Some come up with beads using the trees and fruit which they see and they come up with a project which is admirable and the teacher gives the mark.  So having computers or not having computers, CALA still remains a good practice because it drives the child to think positively and address the challenges around him or her.  For example, our schools are producing sanitizers because there was the COVID challenge in our schools.  Some of our children produce gas in their schools, for example in Goromonzi, there was no electricity in their schools, they had to produce gas. 

Madam Speaker, in terms of CALA we have to work together, explanations should be given to parents on why we introduced the CALA.  Complains are not coming from children, they are coming from parents.  Parents are saying they are doing the CALA, you are not supposed to do the CALA, it is the child who is supposed to do the CALA – [HON. BITI:  CALA is now causing us parents to be students, that is the problem, I am now a core teacher but I do not get paid by your Ministry] – Hon. Speaker, I think CALA is now a problem. I think I must come and explain the issue of CALA.  

Madam Speaker, we are already doing a review of the curriculum and we want you to write to the Ministry giving us your input so that we improve on CALA.  We will not do away with CALA, it is progressive – we do not want to lag behind as a nation – [HON. BITI: Eleven subjects are too much for a Grade one child.] – Madam Speaker, I think on the CALA issue, I have to come back and explain.




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