Land Commission Bill- what is it all about?


Zimbabwe has began the first step to regularise its land reform programme, which the government described as a phenomenal success without any comparison in modern history, through the introduction of the Land Commission Bill.

Critics have described the exercise as chaotic and blame it for the current crisis that the country is facing.

Reading the bill for the second time in Parliament , Lands Minister Douglas Mombeshora, quoted from the book Zimbabwe takes back its land which says:

“In the biggest land reform in Africa, 6 000 white farmers have been replaced by 245 000 indigenous farmers.  Zimbabwe’s land reform has not been neat and huge problems remain.  But 245 000 new farmers have received land and most of them are farming it.  They have raised their own standard of living; have already reached production levels of the former white farmers and with a bit of support are ready to substantially increase that production.”

Because of the critical role land played in the liberation struggle, we intend to publish all the contributions to he debate on this bill. Here is Mombeshora’s contribution:


THE MINISTER OF LANDS AND RURAL RESETTLEMENT (HON. DR. MOMBESHORA):  Thank you Madam Speaker.  The Land Commission Bill has been necessitated by the enactment of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Act Number 20:2013 and in particular Section 297:5 and 6 which provides that;

(5)     The State and all institutions and agencies of Government at every level, through legislative and other measures, must assist the Zimbabwe Land Commission in carrying out its functions and must protect its independence – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Minister.  I am appealing to Hon. Members; I know you whisper to each other but would you please lower down your whispers because we want to hear what the Minister is saying.  I am appealing, next time I do not know.

HON. DR. MOMBESHORA: Thank you Madam Speaker, let me start again.  The Land Commission Bill has been necessitated by the enactment of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Act Number 20:2013 and in particular Section 297:5 and 6 which provides that;

(5)     The State and all institutions and agencies of Government at every level, through legislative and other measures, must assist the Zimbabwe Land Commission in carrying out its functions and must protect its independence impartiality, integrity and effectiveness.

Continued next page



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