Khupe lampoons Chamisa faction for celebrating hollow victory

The Thokozani Khupe faction of the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai has lampooned their colleagues led by Nelson Chamisa for celebrating a hollow victory following the Supreme Court ruling on the use of the MDC-T name and symbol when the decision was actually reached by consent.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday referred the case in which the Nelson Chamisa faction wanted to bar the Khupe faction from using the MDC-T name, logo and symbol back to the High Court for trial and clearly stated that the order was by consent.

“What has put this issue on this presser is the misinforming noise on social media from our erstwhile colleagues who are celebrating a victory over the Supreme Court judgement in which our counsel, Professor Dr Madhuku, gladly agreed to consent to,” the party said

“(We) must say that for a party with so many legal minds, our erstwhile colleagues make so much noise after every judgement on a case they ill-advised themselves to take to the courts.”

The party welcomed the Supreme Court ruling saying it was in line with what Justice Francis Bere had said at the High Court that the case must be decided through a trial.

It also blasted the Chamisa faction for the violence that was unleashed on Khupe when people that had thronged the Supreme Court chanted songs berating her as a whore.

“It is a very sad reality that our erstwhile colleagues long traded our party’s founding value of non-violence as a tool of persuading followership, and have joined the formally Mugabe led ZANU PF in using violence as a coercion tool,” the party said.

“The level of violence, sexism, election rigging and poverty of ideas in running institutions is at a crescendo in both ZANU PF and the Chamisa groups such that one is left with no doubt that the two parties have clearly become birds of a feather.”

Below is the full statement issued yesterday:

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