Khupe, Bhebhe and Gutu expelled from MDC-T

The Movement for Democratic Change today expelled vice-president Thokozani Khupe, organising secretary Abednigo Bhebhe and  national spokesman Obert Gutu.

In a statement, deputy national chairman Morgen Komichi said the three were expelled after a meeting of the national council that lasted seven hours.

Khupe was accused of being stubborn, obdurate, intransigent and had spurned all party efforts to address her grievances.

Instead she continued to hold illegal meetings and partake in unconstitutional activities, putting the party into disrepute and undermining the constitutional organs of the party.

Khupe has already indicated that she is holding a special congress next month to elect a new leadership.

She previously announced that she was distancing herself from the Nelson Chamisa led party and would go her own way but under the MDC-T name.

Below is the full statement issued after the meeting:

Friday, 23 March 2018

National Council fires VP Khupe and two senior leaders

The MDC-T National Council, the Supreme-decision-making body in between Congresses met today deliberated on key issues affecting the party.

After seven hours of deliberations, the National Council made the following resolutions.

1. The national council noted and acknowledged the  fact that the party has positively rebranded, is renewing and positively re-energized its base and its organs as testified by the continued  affirmation and re-invigoration of its national strength and dominance; the evidence of which is  the hugely successful programmes where  Zimbabweans at all levels are participating in highly encouraging numbers. The people’s party of excellence has confirmed itself as a revolutionary, democratic and patriotic movement ready to provide national leadership.

2. On the issue of candidate selection for the watershed 2018 election, the National Council has received all Applications and CVs from the provinces and districts. The process of candidate selection has kicked off in earnest and all candidates will be in place by end of April. 

3. The national council resolved that intercession prayers for the party, the party leadership and all the people of Zimbabwe be held at the party’s headquarters at Morgan Tsvangirai House and at every party provincial office every Monday and Friday until after the elections.

Continued next page


1 Comment

  1. future

    Quite unfortunate that there was no any other way this matter could be resolved. Wishing them all a farewell

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