Kasukuwere joins Jonathan Moyo in dismissing existence of G40

Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere, one of the Young Turks said to be a member of G40, a group said to be fighting to thwart Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa from succeeding President Robert Mugabe, said there was no such thing as G40.

It is a creation of former ZANU-PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo, a loyalist of former Vice-President Joice Mujuru, who was expelled from the party together with Mujuru and is now at the forefront of People First- a party that Mujuru is supposed to be leader of but which has not yet been formally launched.

Kasukuwere told The Herald that the ZANU-PF leadership should ignore the “rantings on imagined factions” such as G40 being peddled by the private media.

“G40 was a creation of Rugare Gumbo and his clique and anyone who regurgitates that is in agreement with him,” he said.

“Where have you seen G40? Who can do that honestly? We must be guided much more by seriousness and the need to deliver to our people not to be diverted. What we are concerned with more is the recovery of the economy than giving people labels. Some of us are happy where we are and if you want to justify your faction, you should not create one.”

G40 is supposed to comprise Kasukuwere, Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo, Indigenisation Minister Patrick Zhuwao and Industry Minister Mike Bimha.

Moyo has also said there is no such group.

“There’s no G40 & no confirmation Cde Mnangagwa is seeking the Presidency. One Center of Power!” Moyo tweeted some weeks ago.

Moyo said G40 is a demographic group between ages 18 and 40 which has been excluded in mainstream politics.

“Since I coined the G40 as a demographic group, it pains me to see it abused by illiterate political opportunists to describe a faction!” he said.

“The opportunistic proposition of a political faction based on age is ideologically bankrupt, ahistorical & antithetical to politics itself!”



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