July Moyo is the most corrupt minister in Zimbabwe, Biti says as he is kicked out of Parliament

July Moyo is the most corrupt minister in Zimbabwe, Biti says as he is kicked out of Parliament

It is imperative to note that the matter is now before the courts of law and is therefore sub judice, hence the project will continue as per the dictates of the contract until the court makes a determination on the matter.  I thank you.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Since one of the applicants mentioned is here, Hon. Markham, I want confirmation whether the matter is indeed before the courts.

HON. MARKHAM:  It is confirmed it is before the courts.

THE HON SPEAKER:  What the Hon. Minister has read out is a section that dealt with the law which allowed the contract to be accepted, which is the ZIDA Act Chapter 14:37 and also in terms of Section 34 and 36 of that ZIDA Act.  In those circumstances therefore, the question that was raised of the legal framework has been answered by the statement.  However, the Chair cannot allow debate and clarification because the matter is sub judice, before the courts. – [HON. BITI:  Inaudible interjections] – I have ruled that the matter is sub judice.  If you are not – Order, order – [HON. HWENDE:  No, this is a corrupt deal, you cannot protect corruption.  This is Parliament and you must allow debate.  Yesterday you promised us that we are going to debate.] -Order, order, order, Hon. Hwende.  I will respectfully ask you to listen very carefully.  You have to hear what the court says in terms of – [HON BITI: On a point of order] – Can you sit down, I have ruled that the matter is in the courts.  Hon. Biti, can you sit down, can you sit down, can you sit down or you go out, leave the House.  If you do not want to listen to me, leave the House, leave the House.  Order Hon. Biti, leave the House.

HON. BITI: The issue is not sub judice, I have got the court application with me.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Can you sit down, can you sit down.

HON. BITI: Mr. Chair, have you seen the …

THE HON. SPEAKER:  I am not the Chair.

HON. BITI:  Have you seen the court application?

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Can you sit down?

HON. BITI:  Have you seen the court application?

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Can you sit down?

HON. BITI: I can sit but have you seen the court application?

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Can you sit down?

HON. BITI:  Before you make a ruling on this, can you see the court application.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Can you sit down.

HON. BITI: Yes, I will.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Thank you.   If there are issues as to whether the matter raises issues of corruption or whether there is some prejudice against the City of Harare, that will be ventilated by the courts –[HON. BITI: But this is not before the courts.] – I have asked Hon. Markham – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

Hon. Hwende and Hon. Hamauswa having stood up.

Continued next page



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