Jonathan Moyo wades into MDC succession- calls Chamisa a charlatan

McWilton said: “You booted out ED for Mugabe to anoint GucciGrace.   Now you complain and this is N.O.Y.B. You logic never cease to amae us.”

Raphael responded: “Apa wakuma apa.”

But Tafunga Mangombe did not agree: “Poor  memory  Coconut  head  u used  to worship  a 94 year  old  Mugabe  who  was just  being endosed not elected.”

Patson Dzamara chipped in: “Anyone who claims to be about leadership renewal and yet fronts a 94 year old is a hopeless hallucinator.”

Maxwel Mutero, agreed: “Haaaa wamupedzera”.

Fafie said: “Tinorova vanhu vane mhanza dzinokuya dovi.  $10 kana akazvarwa akadaro.  $100 kana akamboti "Did It".”

Sydney F Zhakata, supported Moyo: “Hausati wambotaura chokwadi chinopfuura apa, shuwa G40 naChamisa should pay attention .”

And so did Tanaka: “Was having discussions with some colleagues earlier about the same thing. They’re all for Chamisa and seem very keen to see the suspension of the laws in order to catapult him into power. It’s hypocritical.”

Tapiwa Bvekera disagreed: “For the record I’m for constitutionalism, but going for a Congress is not the only way of following the constitution of the MDC. @nelsonchamisa has been elected acting president according to the @mdczimbabwe constitution I still stand by that!”

To which Tanaka responded: “The problem is that there are now too many candidates claiming legitimacy. Highlighting clauses over social media won’t bring closure. A ‘clear the air’ event like a congress will bring closure.”


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