Jonathan Moyo says only a grand coalition of every Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Judy and Mary can defeat ZANU-PF

One of the G40 kingpins, Jonathan Moyo, who is back in full swing on his twitter account, says the only assured way to defeat the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front in this year’s elections is a grand coalition of every Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Judy and Mary.

He was responding to a tweet by the leader of the smaller faction of the Movement for Democratic Change Welshman Ncube who said: “When the MDC Alliance finally obtained a list of the delegates from other Coalitions/Alliances and parties, the insidious agenda of those responsible for handpicking the MDC Alliance delegation to exclude more than half of its Principals while including every Tom, Dick and Harry…”

Moyo tweeted: “Given #ZanuPF's militarization along with that of State & Govt institutions & agencies AFTER the #15NovBloodyCoup, and given what I know about its campaign tactics, the ONLY assured way to defeat #ZanuPF in 2018 is a #GrandCoalition of EVERY Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Judy & Mary!”

Currently there are two main opposition coalitions the MDC Alliance led by ailing Morgan Tsvangirai and the People’s Rainbow Coalition led by Joice Mujuru.

The MDC-T has been rocked by infighting over who should succeed Tsvangirai with each of his three vice-presidents claiming to be the acting president.

G40 is reportedly trying to enter into an alliance through its proposed National Patriotic Front but it has not named a leader yet.

Elections are due in July or August.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday called for peace so that the country can hold free and fair elections to which international observers are welcome.

Jonathan Moyo has been one of the most vocal critics of the Mnangagwa administration which he calls either Junta or EDiots.




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