Jonathan Moyo defends Mnangagwa for a change

Jonathan Moyo, who has been a strong critic of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his deputy Constantino Chiwenga since they came to power through military intervention in November last year, today came to their defence when National Patriotic Front spokesman Jealousy Mawarire said they did not qualify to contest the coming elections because Mnangagwa is Zambian and Chiwenga Mozambican.

Mawarire said this at an NPF meeting and was captured in a video that is now doing rounds on the social media.

Moyo, however, tweeted: “It's false, illegal & unacceptable to say Mnangagwa & Chiwenga are foreigners. They were born in Zimbabwe & contributed immensely to the country's liberation. A name isn't a nationality. Besides, it's not a crime to be a foreigner. People are judged by their deeds, not parentage!”

The NPF, which is headed by Ambrose Mutinhiri, is fighting opposed to Mnangagwa and says that it wants to restore constitutionalism by wrestling power back from the “junta”.

Though it seems to have accommodated a lot of former G40 members it says it is prepared to join hands with the opposition to kick out Mnangagwa and his military colleagues.



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