Jonathan Moyo according to Wikileaks-Part 10

161-More trouble for Jonathan Moyo

162-Dabengwa, Lesabe knew Jonathan Moyo was finished in ZANU-PF

163-MDC MPs admit support for party is more of opposition to ZANU-PF

164-Moyo stands as an independent and is fired from ZANU-PF

165-How Zimbabwe implemented SADC guidelines on elections in 2005

166-MDC MPs on why Mugabe was more tolerant in 2005

167-Moyo says ZANU-PF is a party of tribalists with no direction

168-Who is Auntie Blair?

169-Bulawayo mayor says MDC would win 70 seats “if it fails completely”

170-MDC robbed again

171-ZANU-PF surprises everyone including itself

172-Botswana celebrated Jonathan Moyo’s departure from government

173-Jokonya a breath of fresh air after Jonathan Moyo

174-Mugabe, rumoured to be dead, opens parliament

175-US considered adding Jonathan Moyo’s daughters on sanctions list

176-MDC seeks “continued” US Support

177-Jonathan Moyo becomes part of a Third Force

178-US official says Jonathan Moyo is a political chameleon

179-ZANU-PF uses parliamentary majority to amend constitution

180-Tsvangirai says MDC leaders stage arrests to show courage

Continued next page



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