Jealousy Mawarire rejects Zhuwao’s apology-calls it nonsense

National Patriotic Front spokesman Jealousy Mawarire has rejected an apology from former President Robert Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao, describing it by just one word- “nonsense”.

Leaked videos about a conversation between Zhuwao and former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo in which they accuse Mawarire of being a thief, among other things, were all over YouTube leading to whispers that Mawarire and NPF leader Ambrose Mutinhiri’s jobs were on the line.

Mutinhiri and Moyo have not commended on the videos or the implications of the leaked videos on the future of the NPF. Moyo just posted a link on Zhuwao’s apology.

Mawarire, however, went to town to discredit Moyo as a thief who even stole his own daughter’s “chema”.

Zhuwao issued a length apology to Mawarire and other NPF comrades but Mawarire described it as nonsense.

Mawarire, however, seems to be targeting Moyo and not Zhuwao and this morning said he was flying to Bulawayo to see his mother's people and tell them “mashura  andakaitirwa  nehama  yavo”.

Below is Zhuwao’s apology

NPF row: Zhuwao apology to Mawarire and other NPF Comrades

By Partick Zhuwao

I WISH to apologise to Cde Jealousy Mawarire and other NPF comrades who have been hurt and injured by a private conversation about the need for t-shirts for NPF which was inadvertently broadcast via live twitter video on Monday 21st May 2018. The conversation was meant to be a private interaction which should never have been exposed to the public domain. I take responsibility for what transpired as a result of that conversation because I am the person that initiated the conversation.

In order to demonstrate the sincerity of my apology, I will describe how the issue of t-shirts came to be discussed. I will also explain the circumstances that led to the inadvertent broadcast of the conversation as well as submitting the reasons that make me believe, in my heart of hearts, that the broadcast was indeed a genuine mistake. I will conclude by appealing for forgiveness, understanding and patience from everyone, but most importantly, from those who have been directly affected, hurt and injured by this unfortunate incident.

Continued next page



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