It’s game over for Chamisa

It’s game over for Chamisa

Citizens Coalition for Change legislators are taking up their seats despite protests that elections held last moth and won by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front were stolen.

“For the avoidance of doubt all elected CCC councillors and MPs will be sworn in to take up their positions in the various local authorities and parliament,” the party said. “Our standpoint is crystal clear. We will protect our liberated zones while we fight to recover what was stolen from us.”

If all the councillors and Members of Parliament take up their seats, the only thing stolen from the party will be the presidential post.

CCC is appealing to the Southern African Development Community and the African Union to intervene so that the country can organise fresh elections which will be run by foreigners. Experts say this is a futile exercise.

Exiled Zimbabwean politician Jonathan Moyo, who has been on the CCC case for months simply said: “It’s game over”.

“No wonder the bogus and ill-fated CCC ‘legal strategy’ to purportedly seek fresh elections under the auspices of foreigners was leaked in advance of the oath taking by councilors and MPs, that started today and which will end tomorrow,” Moyo tweeted yesterday.

“Just like CCC has no constitution, no structures and no V11s; CCC has no ‘legal strategy’ for fresh elections organised by foreigners; or, put differently, no ‘diplomatic offensive’  for fresh elections. 

“It’s a non starter.

“This is because (it) has no facts and no law, which it can (use) to support to its vacuous call for fresh elections organised and run by foreigners.

“Hence, CCC decided to leak a document in advance of the swearing in of its councilors and MPs to give the false impression that they can take their oath of office, while CCC gets busy with a legal strategy and diplomatic offensive to push Sadc, AU and “other international players” to organise and run fresh elections.

“The leaked document, which dismally fails to show that CCC has exhausted domestic remedies, is just propaganda to pacify and hoodwink the gullible CCC base.

“In reality, it’s game over. The curtain has has fallen on Zimbabwe’s 2023 harmonised general election.

“So, as Chamisa looks ahead and weighs his options while walking in the middle of the end of the road, it’s in his interests to take care, and beware of oncoming traffic!” Moyo said.

Once councillors and MPs are sworn in, it seems, Chamisa will be on his own. He has no deputy, no chairman, no secretary-general, no treasurer. He only has a spokesman who is reportedly on the wanted list.




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