It’s far from being over says Jonathan Moyo

It’s far from being over says Jonathan Moyo

Former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo says the election challenge case in which the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance is disputing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s victory is far from being over.

The case was dismissed by the Constitutional Court on 24 August but Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa rejected the court’s decision.

Constitutional Court judgments are not appealable.

Jonathan Moyo, who has been accused by some of his twitter followers are being more of Chamisa’s spokesman than the official spokesman Nkululeko Sibanda, said today the interview Newsday had with Chamisa’s lead lawyer Thabani Mpofu cleared showed that “the last has not been heard about this case!”

Mpofu said he had evidence that proved that Chamisa won the elections but he was blocked by the Sheriff, the registrar of the Constitutional Court and Chief Justice Luke Malaba from using that evidence.

When told by one of his followers, Fumai Fumai that “hiding dogs are worse off than those barking in the streets Prof…come bark at Dinyane”, Moyo responded: “This is not child’s play; @ZECzim is a constitutional body with constitutional OBLIGATIONS. Brace up for what’s coming. It’s far from being over!”

When told that the game is over “prof the referee has blown the last whistle”, Moyo said: “That’s the view of people who are naive, ignorant or malicious or all these things rolled into one!”

It is not clear what action Moyo intends to take as Chamisa seems to be softening from the hardline stance he adopted for the whole of August.

Chamisa who said he had lined up rallies to thank the people for voting for him with the first scheduled for Mbizo in Kwekwe had to abandon it after police denied him permission citing the outbreak of typhoid in the area.

Chamisa claims he won the elections by polling 2.6 million votes and is the country’s legitimate president.

MDC organising secretary Amos Chibaya insisted that the rally would go ahead, despite the police ban, but national chairman Morgen Komichi said the party had decided to comply with the police order.

He said the party will hold its first post-election rally at a different venue this weekend.




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