Most Zimbabweans were shocked to learn that suspended Zimbabwe broadcasting Corporation chief executive Happison Muchechetere earned $39 000 a month including perks.
But is Muchechetere alone? Definitely not because there have been several reports that the salaries and perks of chief executives of parastatals are bleeding the state enterprises.
There are 66 state enterprises in Zimbabwe. The Insider would like to compile a list of how much the CEO of each parastatal is getting. It can only do so with your cooperation.
If you have solid information and proof of what the CEO is getting, could you please send us this information through our secure portal which is:
Below is the list of state enterprises in the country:
- Agribank
- Agricultural and Rural Development Authority [ARDA]
- Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
- Air Zimbabwe Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
- Allied Timber Holdings
- Bio – Technology Authority of Zimbabwe
- Board of Censors
- Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ)
- Central Mechanical and Equipment Department [CMED]
- Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ)
- Cold Storage Company (CSC)
- Competition and Tariff Commission
- Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (CCZ)
- Environmental Management Authority (EMA)
- Forestry Commission Company (FCC)
- Grain Marketing Board [GMB]
- Hwange Colliery Company Limited
- Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
- Lotteries and Gaming Board
- Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe [MCAZ]
- Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ)
- National Aids Council of Zimbabwe (NAC)
- National Arts Council of Zimbabwe
- National Gallery of Zimbabwe
- National Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Fund [NIEEF]
- National Library and Documentation Services
- National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe
- National Oil Company of Zimbabwe [NOCZIM]
- National Pharmaceutical Company (NATPHAM)
- National Railways of Zimbabwe [NRZ]
- National Social Security Authority [NSSA]
- Net One
- Parks and Wildlife Management Authority
- People’s Own Savings Bank [POSB]
- Pig Industry Board (PIB)
- Postal and Telecommunication Nations Regulatory Authority [POTRAZ]
- Research Council of Zimbabwe
- Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
- Rural Electrification Authority (REA)
- Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre [SIRDC]
- Small Enterprises Development Corporation [SEDCO]
- Sport and Recreation Commission (SRC)
- State Procurement Board (SPB)
- Tel. One
- Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB)
- Tobacco Research Board (TRB)
- Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe [TSCZ]
- Transmedia Corporation
- Urban Development Corporation [UDCOP]
- Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings [ZBH]
- Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority [ZESA]
- Zimbabwe Institute of Public Administration and Management [ZIPAM]
- Zimbabwe Investment Authority [ZIA]
- Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation [ZMDC]
- Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC)
- Zimbabwe National Road Administration [ZINARA]
- Zimbabwe National Water Authority [ZINWA]
- Zimbabwe Revenue Authority [ZIMRA]
- Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council [ZIMSEC]
- Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA)
- Zimbabwe United Passenger Company [ZUPCO]
- ZISCO Steel Ltd