Is it true that Chamisa does not know Tshabangu? Picture says otherwise

Is it true that Chamisa does not know Tshabangu? Picture says otherwise

A picture in which Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa was photographed standing next to Sengezo Tshabangu has now surfaced on the social media clearly indicating that the two knew each other.

According to Jonathan Moyo the picture was taken on 15 December 2021 at Matilinda Lodge in Bulawayo where a high-level strategy meeting was held ahead of the formation of CCC in January 2022.

Also in the picture, according to Moyo, are Abednico Bhebhe and Mbuso Fuzwayo.

Tshabangu has caused turmoil in the CCC by claiming that he is the interim secretary-general of the party and has recalled 15 Members of Parliament, nine Senators and 17 councillors.

He has promised to recall more legislators if they do not comply with a memo he sent out that they must all report for duty once the suspension imposed by Speaker Jacob Mudenda is lifted.

Chamisa and his spokesmen claim that Tshabangu is an impostor and is not a member of CCC.

It is not clear yet whether the picture is authentic or not as Tshabangu is the only one not wearing a mask.



  1. Andile Ncube

    The picture only proves that Tshabangu knows Chamisa but does not prove that Chamisa knows Tshabangu. Remember that Chamisa is known by almost all 16 million Zimbabwean people and he only knows a few of them out of those millions. infant Chamisa does not need to know Tshabangu. If Chamisa says he knows Tshabangu then this picture would prove that but for now this prove does not prove anything against Chamisa.

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